lyrics: paula mcmath
music: paula mcmath/Ian Hattwick
I feel small, very very small
I can’t say the things that all
the other people seem to say
every single day, my glasses fall
when I try to let them see
behind my eyes
keep getting lost, why am I so lost
I can’t do the things that all
the other people seem to do
can’t make it through, I fall behind
when I try to find the front
of the line
and this whole, big blue marble of a ball
is really very small
in the grand scheme of it all
but somehow it all feels
like a really big deal to me
I am alone, so all alone
I can’t hide the things that all
the other people seem to hide
deep down inside, I long to find
someone who’ll let me see through
his disguise
and so I’m small, very very small
but I do the little things
that other people don’t
and they won’t, because it’s small
but oh, so very