3rd Street Promenade - Santa Monica

Mark Twain, in the “p.s.” of a letter, once famously wrote,  “I”m sorry this letter is so long.  I didn’t have time to write a short one.”

David McCullough said,  “Writing is thinking.  To write well is to think clearly.  That’s why it’s so hard.”

Here is what I’ve arrived at for my pitch.  I invite any thoughts.

“I’m paula mcmath.  I’m a singer songwriter.  I’m influenced by my idols; Mitchell,  Cohen,  Griffin,  Dylan,  and Waits. I try to sing what I can’t say.  I’m most often compared with the acoustic, folk sounds of  Joni Mitchell or Patty Griffin.”

If the elevator ride is long enough,  I would add,  “I aim to distill things down to the right words and then make them sing.  I find the melody that the words suggest – or sometimes vice versa. (On rare occasions, the words and music come together.)  I record the songs simply, acoustically -not overwhelming them with production.”

Yoda said,  “Do, or do not.  There is no try.”  I disagree with this one.  I believe that there is try.  Trying is important.

Since it seems 6 is the magic number for tasks to complete in a day,  I created 6 areas of focus for my goals.  They are:

1.  PR / Press:  do cyberPR, find leads and send CDs out, seek press

2.  Songs:  write 15 new songs by the close of the year

3.  Gigs:  continue weekly gigging – book 2 more big gigs by Dec.

4.  Exercise:  5 days week – walk and do light weights

5.  Online / Social Networking:  email, blog, Facebook, Twitter

6.  Music Conferences / Networks:  TAXI in Nov., Durango in Feb.

Within those 6 areas, I’ve set goals for myself to attain by the end of the year – or the start of next year.  I’m going to chip away at them by doing one thing each day towards each goal.

Music Success in 9 Weeks / Blog Challenge
mSi9wks / Blog Challenge

I’ve learned a few things, in the last eight months, about the process of self-promotion as a musician / artist.   It’s not a comfortable place for me to dwell in…  It’s uncomfortable, for me, to feel like I need to be saying “look at me — look at me” when what I do actually comes from a very quiet, introverted place.

I’ve found that most of the time, things move really slowly.  Mostly you send out the emails and wait… but gradually, a few things have come back to me for my efforts.   I’ve gotten a couple of nice reviews recently – one at Paul Zollo’s ezine, Blue Railroad     http://bluerailroad.wordpress.com/reviews/
and one in Music Connection                     http://musicconnection.com/digital/index.php?page=49ws/

At this point, I feel a need to simplify and narrow my focus.  I guess that is where Ariel’s Blogging Challenge comes in. I look forward to the accountability and motivation that this community will offer.