Why not keep it to myself? Who will read it — or listen? — or hear?

And yet, who doesn’t feel like this?

I identify with the voices who ask these questions. Who will care? What have I even said?

I struggle to put into words that this is an offering.

And yet, I recognize why I write such things down — and even dare to share them. I recognize my “aloneness” in these feelings and, in doing so, I know I’m not alone.

Who feels like this? I do.
Maybe you do too.

avoidant — get into the flow of it — keep making work — keep making something — anything — work — feed myself — walk — do it now so that I’ll never have to do it again — until the next time — if I want to — make a mark — as old as humanity — write shit down — it all falls away — even whole books fall away

Sometimes it’s easy to complain about the mundane things, “the dailiness of tasks”, that must be attended to — in the interest of sustaining oneself. When I feel myself falling into that old pattern, I remember my father’s words, from years ago, when I did the same…

I finished speaking my litany of complaints — about all the things I “had to do” — and asked some “question” that I can no longer summon to my memory.

Yet, I vividly remember Dad’s answer, “You’re alive.”

Full stop.

— I used to sheepishly assume that other people’s opinions were more valid, or more important, than my own.

— I used to doubt my self-worth based on hearing “mostly nothing” in response to my work.

— I used to question “my voice”, as a songwriter, when that internal voice was the one I most needed to listen to — the one I most needed to trust.

No more.