A Penguin History

Paula McMath
  1. A Penguin History -:-- / 5:30

Note ||: repeat line :||

A Penguin History is seldom told —
written in ice, indeed some has been lost.
But the Big Black Bird Book, in stone,
||: has been sealed forever in the permafrost. :||

’Twas quite a quagmire and harrumph
when we Penguins met the Big Black Bird.
Ah, strumphy tumble, and glom galumph,
||: chirp and cluck and clamor stirred. :||

We recognized the bird-like being —
wild wings, what a pair.
Shock and wide-eyed belief in seeing,
||: “She swims, but in the air!” :||

Strong steps she elegantly walked,
bowed down and stooped to admire us.
Babies and Elders, we all just flocked —
very shy, you see, and a bit nervous
very shy, and a bit nervous.

She folded her wings and softly spoke,
“I’m so terribly lost. Please help.
I’ve come so far and I’m all alone
and in you I see myself
in you, little birds, myself.”

“May I stay, may I stay?” she asked,
and the Penguins all looked at me.
“We would welcome you, of course, but alas —
||: this place, quite soon will freeze.” :||

“Oh please, oh-oh-oh!” she pleaded sweet
“I could become just like one of you.”
I said, “What nature gives you, you must keep.
||: ‘cause Nature always tells the truth.” :||

“Our summer habitat is warm —
but in winter it’s bone, stone cold.
You’re a bird, but not Penguin born.
||: You’re a stranger to the South Pole.” :||

“We would welcome you when days grow long.
We would love to have you stay.
We could all tell stories and sing our songs.
||: Get to know you and love you that way. :||

“And in your memory you’ll always see our faces.
In your dreams and when you’re awake.
You’ll find our kind in all your places.
||: We promise we will never go away.” :||

“Yes,” she said, “I’ll treasure your words.
This is ‘see ya later’ not goodbye.
And Penguins, now, will be known to all birds.”
||: And she leapt up and swam in the sky. :||

A Penguin History is seldom told —
written in ice, indeed some has been lost.
But the Big Black Bird Book, in stone,
||: has been sealed forever in the permafrost. :||
has been sealed forever in the permafrost

Paula McMath © 2019