“Keep writing.  Keep going.  One foot in front of the other.”  I keep telling myself.

Been introspective for the past year of so.  I’ve been writing another group of songs.

I’ve also been working on a new project which has taken some time to take form.  It began as a song alone and has grown into a children’s book / song called Very Happy Day.

It’s led to a couple of really interesting collaborations.  Pip Craighead has done the illustrations.  Tom Freund recorded the song as a duet with me.

More to come.


I’ve learned a few things, in the last eight months, about the process of self-promotion as a musician / artist.   It’s not a comfortable place for me to dwell in…  It’s uncomfortable, for me, to feel like I need to be saying “look at me — look at me” when what I do actually comes from a very quiet, introverted place.

I’ve found that most of the time, things move really slowly.  Mostly you send out the emails and wait… but gradually, a few things have come back to me for my efforts.   I’ve gotten a couple of nice reviews recently – one at Paul Zollo’s ezine, Blue Railroad     http://bluerailroad.wordpress.com/reviews/
and one in Music Connection                     http://musicconnection.com/digital/index.php?page=49ws/

At this point, I feel a need to simplify and narrow my focus.  I guess that is where Ariel’s Blogging Challenge comes in. I look forward to the accountability and motivation that this community will offer.